Logo and Poster Selection


                            🌸The results of the logo and the poster selection of our project🌸


*The 9th logo was selected as the logo of our project with 163 votes.

The chosen logo belongs to 13 Eylül Gama Secondary School.

* The 3rd poster was selected as the poster of our project with 30 votes.

The poster belongs to Hatice Kamil Pekmez Secondary School.

The logo and poster selection surveys were created by

Seher ŞAHAN (English Teacher)
Ulubağ Secondary School



Students and teachers from

📌Seher Şahan- Ulubağ Secondary School

📌Ayşe Menşure Çimen- Hatice Kamil Pekmez Secondary School

📌Edanur Evmez- Şehit Üzeyir Gençdoğmuş Secondary School
📌Nergis Küçük- 13 Eylül Gama Secondary School 

📌Gamze Çetin- Şehit Üzeyir Gençdoğmuş Secondary School
